
Full Color Process Limited Edition History of Surrealism at the Place Market begins in the 1970's and runs through current times, representing more than two dozen artistic geniuses. It is the Pike Place Market experience you have been missing and secretly craving! Less than one thousand copies still available, this is already a collector's item, if only due to its scarcity. Can be purchaced at my booth at the Market on Mondays and Thursdays for $22, or you can special order it from me here for $30 (includes shipping & handling). |

Finally Available!! Back Again and Better!! After more than 15 years, THE HIDDEN WORLD is back in print, with 16 pages of new stories and art! on glossy paper! THE HIDDEN WORLD is the first of three books based on the Secret City series. It is a meditation on drumming to keep the spirit alive in a bleak modern world. Originally 64 pages, now 80 pages black and white interior, with color cover and retails at $9.95. Cover: The wraparound cover shows Pioneer Square buildings with Papua New Guinea Warrior shaking his spear. See the city of Seattle in a way you've never seen it... enter the Hidden World of the Secret City.

A WALKABOUT SEATTLE -- revised, expanded second edition available January, 2014. 96 pages of surrealistic wonderment; rewritten with more than 30 pages of new material. $12.00.

THE OCEAN OF TIME is the third book based on the Secret City series. It is 88 pages long and focuses on the importance of dreaming oneself up. It retails for $9.99 and will be available January, 2008.

A WALKABOUT SEATTLE - This is the second of three books dealing with the Secret City. It is best described as a surrealistic walking man's tour of the city, with the spirit of Chief Seattle influencing our somewhat schizophrenic protagonist. This contains more text than the first book. It is 65 pages. The front cover is a reworking of one "Time Travelers," from the Secret City Suite.
One of the many neat things about the first printing of this book is the extra hidden book up-side down on the other side. This is THE BOOK OF ORPHEUS by Milo Duke, a brilliant surrealist painter. The cover is a watercolor painting by Milo, and the guts is a combination of text and a series of woodcuts he did, telling an unknown story of Orpheus, as told by Raven and Coyote. 31 pages. Total 96 pages. Retail price: 7.99 (temporarily out-of-print)
(This book was banned from my Pike Place Market daystall table because of the extra book by Milo. They maintained I was selling some else's work, while I insisted it was a secret hidden special giveaway book. I fought it for nearly a year, and they won. When the remainder of the first printing is sold, I will publish the two books separately.)
In the year 2001, after the Pike Place Market banned my new release A WALKABOUT SEATTLE, (for dubious bureaucratic reasons) I decided to team up with artist extraordinaire, Milo Duke, and unleash a new line of graphic novels. Thus we founded MYSTERY SCHOOL PRESS. Future titles are:
by Jon Strongbow:
- Autobiography of a Tree
- The Fury of the Four Corners
- Historians From the Future
- Voice of the Tree
- The Hidden Gargoyles
- The New World
Milo Duke's Library of Alexandria: featuring excerpts from:
- The Book of the Dead
- Tales of The Third Creation
- Le Journal Des Theriomorphs
- The Book of Stones
- Dispatches From the Front
- Snow Stories
Look for all this and more in the not too distant future!